Seymour-Screen Excellence
Seymour-Screen Excellence combines the most innovative screen materials in Europe and the US. The core screen materials are the highest gain, fine weave screen material available anywhere - the Enlightor™-Bright - and the ultra-fine weave, Enlightor-4K, the only AT screen developed specifically for resolutions beyond 4K. These cutting edge materials offer the most advanced ambient light filtration available on the market for Spectrum AV’s Marin County clients.
ENLIGHTOR Screen Materials
Unlike perforated vinyl screens, which are approximately 90% non-acoustically transparent, all Enlightor screen materials are engineered for superior audio transparency. These screens allow sound to pass through with minimal attenuation, avoiding issues like comb filtering or lobing that commonly occur with vinyl screens. With typical vinyl screens, most of the sound is reflected backwards, causing it to bounce off the rear wall and return to the rear of the screen with a delay. In contrast, Enlightor screens are designed to enhance audio clarity by allowing a direct and undistorted passage of sound, ensuring a more accurate and immersive listening experience for your Marin County home or business.